Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Cell Phone - Why Should I Upgrade

We hear from friends or just general chat by people wanting to upgrade their cell phones. There are a number of very good reasons to upgrade but unfortunately the main reason people upgrade and without thinking is because the cell phone manufacturers are blitzing us with advertising on a daily basis with new features. I bet you can pinpoint a few friends who have new cell phones and have no idea as to how to go about using all the key features.

Upgrading your cellular phone needs some careful thinking. Many of us upgrade for fashion purposes to keep up with modern looks, understandable if you have a cell phone from the early years you might want something a little more portable and flexible in use.

Upgrading still costs money so choose wisely. There are many different upgrade options today such as Camera cell phones; PDA Cell Phones, GPS Cell phones and now we have the new line of 3G cell phones available. Honestly the best place to choose a cell phone is on the Internet, it's your decision and not the sale rep at some store twisting your arm for a sale and blinding you with useless information.

You need to know the differences and the different functionality of the cell phones before you just go ahead and upgrade. By doing a little research you get to choose exactly what fits your needs and budget. GPS phones (Global Positioning Satellite) are widely used by people with a love for climbing or adventure walking in remote regions.

GPS phones can be pinpointed to a pacific area should you be lost or in need of assistance, long distance drivers and employers also find good use for these phones. Employers can trace the whereabouts of employees or the phones themselves if lost or stolen.

PDA phones are ideal for people who like using pocket organisers. These phones are expensive but have similar functionality to that of a PC, ideal for office workers or sales reps.

Camera phones are self explanatory, simply a phone that can take photos. There is more to camera cell phones but in a nut shell that's what they do. They are classed more of a fun phone to have and prove very popular among all age groups. Once you have an idea of what the different phones do and can't do you are better placed to come up with an upgrade decision.

Flip phones are very popular at the moment, these are the phones with the pop up screen, they are available in Camera, PDA and GPS format but be aware they are not for everyone, I personally do not find them very user friendly but that's my opinion, I like to just answer the incoming call without messing around with the phone.

The phones on today's market a very light weight compared to the large style from years ago, those of you who still use these type phones today should look at upgrading and come to terms with the technology of today.

General advice:

If you experience a bad reception on a regular basis you should check with your cell phone carrier first before changing the phone, most of the time it tends to be a bad signal due to the cellular phone carrier rather than the fault of your phone, many people just jump and buy the phone only to find that they same problem is reoccurring. In certain area's you may need a small cell phone antenna or booster costing very little to get a better reception.

Powering down very quickly:

If you find that your cell phone powers down too quickly the chances are you need a new battery, once again many people exchange the whole cell phone instead of just the battery. The conception that batteries are almost as costly as the cell phone is untrue. You can get batteries at very competitive pricing along with third party battery from different suppliers.

No Power:

If you find that you have no power in your cell phone even after charging for hours, it could be one of three things. Firstly the battery in the cell phone could be completely dead, secondly the recharge supply unit could have a problem and last of all it could be the cell phone itself, by eliminating the first two you could save yourself money. It may all seem common sense but you would be surprised at how many good working cell phones are thrown out.

About the Author
Declan Tobin is a successful freelance writer providing advice for consumers on purchasing a variety of Prepaid Phone Plans which includes Cell prepaid plans, Carriers, and more! His numerous articles provide a wonderfully researched resource of interesting and relevant information for all of your phone interests and needs.

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1 comment:

  1. According to recent research by Ofcom, 37% of adults and 60% of teens admit to being ‘highly addicted’ to their smartphones, with users checking their smartphones on average, 34 times a day. Additionally, 51% of adults and 65% of teens use their smartphones while socializing with others, and 22% and 47% respectively, confess to answering their smartphones even while on the toilet.

    ‘Moodoff Day’ on February 26th asks smartphone and mobile device addicts (and those that don’t yet consider themselves such) to spend a morning without their beloved devices.

    If you feel you could benefit from a morning without smartphones and mobile devices and want to encourage others to follow suit, go to www.MoodOffDay.org and pledge your support. You can even post your personal experiences of smartphone addiction or upload funny images showing smartphone addicts in action at www.facebook.com/MoodOffDay
