Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Cell Phone Safety - Am I Really At Risk

It's a sad commentary on the way of the world today, when you stop to think about the fact that people will go out of their way to avoid radiation exposure - such as in the case of x-ray technicians who shield themselves within a protective booth or by donning lead aprons - and, yet, those same people will walk around, day after day, with a cell phone attached to their ears without concern. Cell phones, cellular phones, mobile phones, wireless phones...call them what you will - without proper precautions, they can still pose a significant threat to those who use them.

SAR Absorption

The CTIA - or, Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association - has defined SAR (specific absorption rate) as "a way of measuring the quantity of radio frequency energy that is absorbed by the body". In plain English, SAR indicates the amount of radiation that your body is being directly exposed to through the use of devices such as cell phones. Every time you use a cell phone, you're holding a machine to your head that sends electromagnetic waves directly to your brain. These waves, which are the equivalent of microwave energy, are transmitted to the brain through cell phone antennas and - depending upon how close that receptor is to your head, as much as 60% of that radiation is absorbed. So much so, in fact, that they can penetrate 1 ½" into the actual brain. That was the bad news...even worse is that many models exceed that limit. In effect, you're slow-cooking your brain in the very same way that a microwave oven cooks dinner on a busy day.

Through various studies, evidence has indicated that there's been a significant increase in brain tumor occurrences among cell phone users. In addition, researchers have also discovered that the impact of cell phone frequencies (which cause the brain to be bombarded by radiation or microwave energy) also appears to cause genetic damage within human blood. It's believed that the auto-immune system is negatively impacted, as well. The potential for long-term adverse affects, then, is astounding and may include diseases such as Alzheimer's, cancer and other life-threatening illnesses.

Children and Cell Phone Safety

If all of that concerns you - as well it should - then think, for a moment, about how many children are using these phones on a regular basis. You'd be hard-pressed in today's society to find a child or teen who doesn't, at some point in the day, have one pressed to their ear. The odds of developing something devastating are even more likely, since their skulls are thinner and their brains are still in the process of growing. Between that and the fact that, due to their age, the number of cumulative years in which they'd receive exposure to the harmful radiation that's associated with these phones will be greater than those of an older generation, it's a frightening prospect, indeed.

Although it's certainly a great convenience to be able to carry a portable phone around in your purse or pocket, and has - in some cases - helped to save the life of someone in jeopardy by enabling folks to dial 911 without having to search for a nearby phone, it's not an even trade-off and children should never use such devices, except in an emergency. One of the biggest problems that parents may face today is that, since cell phones are convenient - and popular among young people - keeping their children cell-phone-free may be next to impossible. Whether it's necessary to have youngsters stay in communication with family members when they're away from home or simply to use in the event of an emergency, many parents feel forced into providing them for their kids and don't give much thought to the possible dangers that their children may be exposed to, as a result.

Reducing the Risks

Cell phone safety must be made more of a priority by adults and children alike. Until such time when the dangers that are intrinsic to these types of devices have been nullified, there are certain steps that can - and should - be taken by those who find it necessary to use phones such as these.

Only use a cell or mobile phone when necessary
Limit the length of your conversations when utilizing a cell phone
Invest in a hands-free set-up so that the phone's antenna isn't near your head
Purchase a cell phone with an external aerial
Research the SAR for the unit that you're thinking of purchasing
Invest in a SAR Shield for your cell phone

Protecting Yourself with a SAR Shield

With a history of reducing radio frequency radiation by up to 89%, the SAR Shield offers significant protection against the damaging effects that are experienced by those who use cell phones on a regular basis. This attachment operates using the same principle as the technology used for the U. S. Air Force's Stealth Aircraft, which makes it invisible to radar systems. Due to its winged design, the SAR Shield is able to conform to any size cell phone. In the case of an external antenna, simply bend it around the antenna and you'll be protected from most of the harmful radiation waves for the lifetime of the phone. For those which house an internal receiver, the SAR Shield attaches directly to the phone's hard outer shell. For the best results, this should be attached on the upper portion of the cell phone's structure, so that it doesn't interfere with any other attachments, such as belt clips. For more information on how to purchase a SAR Shield, visit http://www.sarshield.com.

It's All About Choices

It stands to reason that people would prefer to keep a cell phone handy, whether for the purposes of emergency access or just to remain in touch with those who may need to reach them when a "land line" is unavailable. That being the case, the next best thing would be to exercise as much caution as possible when using a cell phone, including the willingness to invest in any device that might help to reduce the amount of radiation absorption in order to practice cell phone safety - for both you and your children. So, if you're determined to use that cell phone, consider purchasing a SAR Shield...and breathe just a bit easier when the phone rings.

About the Author

Samantha Goode is a freelance technology writer who loves to provide tips to consumers shopping for cellular phone reviews [http://www.a1-cell-phones.com/cell-phone-reviews.html], comparison of cell phones [http://www.a1-cell-phones.com/index.html] and new cell phones [http://www.a1-cell-phones.com/cell-phone-comparison.html].

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